Helix Toolkit 3D for .NET

Release 2.9.0

[2.9.0] - 2019-08-24


  1. Assimp Metadata #1195 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Added Helixtoolkit.Wpf.Input as nuget package.


  1. FindHits not working with large scale transfroms #1193 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Fix line arrow head transform not correct #1205. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. ItemsModel3D doesn’t implement ItemTemplateSelector #1203 (UWP)
  4. 2DControl crash with SharpDX #1125 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)

Release 2.8.0

[2.8.0] - 2019-06-22


  1. Implement HelixToolkit.Wpf and HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX supports for .Net Core 3.0 WPF. (WPF/WPF.SharpDX)
  2. Supports absolute 3D position mode in ScreenSpacedNode. Helps to have multiple coordinate system in world space and zooming does not affect the coordinate system size. See CustomViewCubeDemo for details. Ref #1165 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. Supports GPU generated arrow head/tail for line rendeirng. Detail refer to LineShadingDemo (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. Supports Line Texture in LineMaterial. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)

Improvement and Changes

  1. Supports 2D color array texture for TextureModel. Ref #1156 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)


  1. OrthoCam width getting clipped on zooming #1164 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Fix panning speed too huge causes object flying too far. Ref #1161 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. Orthogaphical Camera (width calc) SharpDX #1158 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. Fix symbol link issue for nuget packages.
  5. Fix EnvironmentMap projection under perspective camera. #1177

Release 2.7.0

[2.7.0] - 2019-05-12


  1. Make it possible to receive touch/manipulation events from swap chain render control (WinForms).(WPF.SharpDX)
  2. ManipulationBinding allows to map ManipulationGesture for UWP (UWP)
  3. Added TimeStamp in default shader global variable for time based shader animation. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)

Improvement and Changes

  1. Mouse3DEventArgs now also store the mouse/touch/pen event that caused the Mouse3DEvent #1111 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP)


  1. Fix RenderTechnicsExample SharpDX crash SharpDX bug #1130 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Fix find 3d point on single axis aligned 3d line. #1114 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. Fix PInvokeStackImbalance #1149 (WPF.SharpDX)
  4. Fix STLReader can not handle”NaN” values. #1150

Release 2.6.1

[2.6.1] - 2019-02-16


  1. Flat Normal Shading Mode for Phong/PBR/Diffuse Material. Use EnableFlatShading = true to enable this mode.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Add LimitPFS option to prevent FPS over shoot on mouse move (WPF)
  3. ManipulationBinding allows to map ManipulationGesture for Wpf.SharpDX (WPF.SharpDX)

Improvement and Changes

  1. Add LimitFPS option in HelixToolkit.WPF Viewport3D. Prevents mouse movement causes FPS overshooting. (WPF)
  2. Add SnapMouseDownPoint for CameraController and Viewport #1082. (WPF)
  3. Prevent zoom lock if look direction is too small (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)


  1. Fix Camera Rotation with ZoomAroundMouseDownpoint=true (SharpDX) #1068 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Fix exception in Closest3DPointHitTester #1085 (WPF)
  3. Fix panning sometimes not working issue.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. ViewportExtensions.Project does not get correct projection #1090. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  5. Fix cube map auto mipmap generation #1087. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  6. Fix Transform3DHelper.CombineTransform creates too nested Transform3DGroup #1089 (WPF)
  7. Fix local transform not getting calculated for UIElement3D in Visual3DHelper.GetTransform(). This solve mouse rotate getting reversed issue in Rotate Manipulator. (WPF)
  8. Fix Bound one dimension is zero on single point or single axis align line and causes hit test failed.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  9. Fix rounding issue in TextGroupVisual3D CreateTextMaterial #1075 (WPF)

Release 2.6.0

[2.6.0] - 2019-01-04

Potential Breaking Changes:

  1. Material UV Transform has been changed from Matrix to UVTransform struct. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Material Texture has been changed from Stream to TextureModel. This change allows more powerful texture support in future. In most cases, Stream will be implicit convert to TextureModel to reduce breaking changes. However, it may have issue if you are using XAML binding to a Texture stream in ViewModel. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. GroupModel3D and ItemsModel3D will no longer support using XAML Children and ItemsSource at the same time (To be consistent with other WPF controls such as ListView).(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. PBR material RMAMap property has been renamed and separated into RoughnessMetallicMap and AmbientOcclusionMap.
  5. AmbientColor in InstancingParams has been removed.(WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  6. Remove Core namespace on Vector3Collection/Vector2Collection/IntCollection. Base class is changed to FastList<T>.

### Added

  1. Volume 3D Texture Rendering. Demo is added. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  2. Supports ImGui (using ImGui.NET) for SharpDX.Core. Details refer to CoreTest demo. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Supports Line/Point non-fixedSize thickness rendering. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. Supports SSAO. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  5. Adds Assimp Import/Export support for SharpDX versions. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  6. Demo Winform Integration. CoreTest demo

### Improvement and Changes

  1. Add FastList and change Vector3Collection/IntCollection base class to FastList for direct underlying array access. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Improved off-screen texture pooling. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  3. Improved post effects quality. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. Fixed Material creation performance issue. #1015, #1022 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  5. Adding BeginAnimation function to SharpDX Camera #1039 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  6. Improves scene node for direct usage. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  7. Merge common Viewport3DX extension functions into shared project. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  8. Improve unnecessary graphics resource dispose/recreate after switching tab in TabControl. Ref #1013 (WPF.SharpDX/UWP)
  9. Improve rotation around mouse down point #1028 (WPF)
  10. SortingVisual causes lag when using large models #1036 (WPF)
  11. GroupModel3D and ItemsModel3D supports ObservableCollection.Move. Ref #1048 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)

### Fixed

  1. Make DPFCanvas work over Remote Desktop again #998. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Transparent sorting and materials (SharpDX) #994. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Fixed manual render order not working issue. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  4. TaskCanceledException not caught in OnDetached #988. (WPF.SharpDX/UWP/Core)
  5. ViewCube is acting on Mouse Move #969. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  6. LookDirection length in FitView #1009 (WPF)
  7. D3D Counter is negative (SharpDX) SharpDX bug #1040(WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  8. Zooming at small look directions causes camera shaking. #1032 (WPF)