Helix Toolkit 3D for .NET

Release 2.5.1

[2.5.1] - 2018-10-24


Hot fix for v2.5.0.

  1. Fixed wrong type cast while using custom ViewBox Texture in HelixToolkit.SharpDX and UWP.

Release 2.5.0

[2.5.0] - 2018-10-19


  1. Physics Based Rendering Material. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. ScreenQuadModel3D for background full screen texture rendering.(WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Supports EmissiveMap for PhongMaterial. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. Supports Billboard 2D Rotation. Added Angle property in TextInfo and BillboardSingleImage. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  5. Add BillboardImage3D to support sub image texture billboard. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  6. Supports custom bitmap font for BillboardText3D. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  7. Supports Billboard Text Batching Wiki. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  8. Supports UnLit for DiffuseMaterial. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)

Improvement and Changes

  1. Clean up render core. Obsolete RenderCoreBase. Move to material based rendering. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Remove “On” prefix from events. #924 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Upgrade SharpDX version to 4.2.0. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. Shader common buffer and sampler changes. Use single surface sampler for all surface maps in pixel shader. Obsolete NormalMapSampler, AlphaMapSampler etc. in PhongMaterial. Please update common.hlsl if you are using custom shaders. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  5. Improve MaterialVariable. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)


  1. Transparency of the material SharpDX UWP bug #925 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. stl material issue #917 (WPF)
  3. Is it possible to render the content of a Viewport3DX to an image (png/bmp) with higher DPI? #920 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. NullRef Exception in BufferComponent (SharpDX) SharpDX UWP bug taken #966 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)

Release 2.4.0

[2.4.0] - 2018-8-26


  1. Axis aligned plane grid. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. CMO Reader. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Animation KeyframeUpdater. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. Added UV Transform in PhongMaterial/DiffuseMaterial (WPF.SharpDX and UWP).
  5. Added custom billboard texture sampler.

Improvement and Changes

  1. Move render environment map and render shadow map properties into PhongMaterial. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Includes material sorting if EnableRenderOrder = true. Update RenderOrder to ushort. Update sorting key to be uint = [RenderOrder, MaterialID]. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. MaterialVariable pooling. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. Obsolete BoneMatrices struct. Improve BoneSkinnedGeomerty3D. Directly Martix array binding for bones. Add BoneGroupModel3D for bone sharing. Implemented basic key frame animation support and Demo. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  5. Performance improvement.


  1. Fix bug on DisposeAndClear not called during detaching scene node. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Fix bug on invalidate scene graph not working on detaching scene node. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Instanced models are not properly exported using ObjExporter #902 (WPF.SharpDX)
  4. Coordinate system and view cube are clipped when resizing the Viewport3DX #892 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  5. Wrong Y texture coordinate #870 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  6. ObjExporter export MeshGeometryModel3D fails #857 (WPF.SharpDX)

Release 2.3.0

[2.3.0] - 2018-7-22


  1. Dynamic Buffer Support for geometry data streaming. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP) Wiki
  2. New TransformManipulator. See Manipulator Demo. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Ply format reader. (All)
  4. Support Order Independent Transparency for DiffuseMaterial. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  5. Add BatchedMeshGeometryModel3D for mesh batching, supports multiple material color properties.(WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  6. Support Manual Render Ordering. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)

Improvement and Changes

  1. Move tessellation parameters into PhongMaterial. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Obsolete Ray3D. Use SharpDX.Ray instead. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  3. Optimize all gesture handlers. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. Move camera to shared project. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  5. Rearrange the order of DefaultVertex struct. Separate Texture Cooridnates and Vertex Colors into own buffers. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  6. Change to use CanRenderFlag in render core instead of calling CanRender during rendering. Use UpdateCanRenderFlag or SetAffectsCanRenderFlag to update the flag during property change. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  7. Add Geometry property in HitTestResult. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  8. Change shader byte array to lazy loading. (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  9. Obsolete Viewport3DX.WorldMatrix.


  1. Fixed model transform matrix multiplication wrong sequence on HitTest with GroupModel and Instancing.(WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  2. Rectangle selection: why returns Models3D instead of Visuals3D? #841 (WPF)
  3. ZoomExtentsWhenLoaded not work when model transformed. #832 (WPF.SharpDX and UWP)
  4. stl import error. #827 (All)
  5. 3ds import error. #816 (All)

Release 2.2.0

[2.2.0] - 2018-6-17


  1. Add per-frame draw call in RenderDetail.
  2. Add pingpong buffer for post effects. Add depth stencil buffer pooling
  3. Add RenderTechnique serialization/deserialization.
  4. Add BlendFactor/SampleMask/StencilRef in ShaderPassDescription.
  5. Port DynamicCodeSurface3D to SharpDX version.

Improvement and Changes

  1. Move FXAA before post effect. ##### Pre(such as shadow map)->Opaque->Particle->Transparent->FXAA->Post(post effects)->ScreenSpaced(ViewBox/CoordinateSystem).
  2. Change to use specific material for mesh shading technique change. Added DiffuseMaterial(Render DiffuseColor/DiffuseMap only), NormalMaterial(Render Normals as Color), PositionColorMaterial(Render Vertex Position as Color), VertColorMaterial(Render Per Vertex Color). Remove separated techniques for normal/position/color rendering. Merge these passes into default BlinnPhong techniques.
  3. Encapsulate D3D11.DeviceContext functions into DeviceContextProxy. Skip redundant state bindings/shaderpass bindings.
  4. Re-implement shader class.


  • Fixed and improved state object and shader resource proxy pooling.
  • Errors building project (FeatureLevel10 issue). #754 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • Inertia does not work correctly when camera has lefthand coordinate system #760 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • Viewport not updating when rotating #767 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • error in LineIntersection #770
  • Viewport3DX Title and Subtitle are not rendered correctly #773 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • Billboard questions (transparency + adding billboards after initialize) #774 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • ZoomDistanceLimitNear/-Far does not work correctly #777 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • CameraTarget still showing up when TouchRotate disabled #782 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • SharpDX: Camera movement using keyboard doesn’t work when mouse is not moving. #796 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP)
  • SharpDX: Instanced Models do not follow the viewports current render technique #802 (WPF.SharpDX & UWP) Note: Use material for switching
  • EnvironmentMap3D not working when using LeftHandSystem SharpDX #533 (SharpDX & UWP)